
The Centre of Learning


Founder Story

I am an experienced and qualified Accounting and Mathematics high school teacher. As my career has unfolded over the years, one thing never seems to change: There is simply not enough quality resources for the Accounting section of Economic & Management Sciences for Grade 8 or 9 in any textbook. As a FET teacher that teaches in the Grade 10 to Grade 12 band it has been a constant headache that learners do not know the basics of Accounting when entering the subject in Grade 10. I have taught extra lessons for EMS and Mathematics for well over 15 years.


The challenges are always the same: If learners could only practice their work at the correct standard they would perform better! The problem is that learners do not have access to these resources. Many teachers, parents and learners have complained to me over the years that they do not do Accounting while they are in the EMS class for Grade 8 or 9. Learners most certainly do Accounting in the EMS curriculum! Owing to the various problems experienced in my own classroom over the years I decided to write Accounting textbooks catered for the unique needs of Grade 8 and Grade 9. These books were written with one thing in mind: Can learners teach themselves from this book or could an inexperienced teacher be greatly advantaged by teaching from this book? I set about writing these textbooks for this very purpose. These textbooks have been implemented at my own school and have proven to be a great success. We are in desperate need of financially literate people in our country!