Teacher Rating & Reviews
Teachers and their available classes will be ranked on the website according to the following system.
New Seller:
All sellers start as a new seller.
Level One:
You have to be an ACTIVE member for 30 days with a 95% response rate.
80% Positive Rating from student
80% Positive Rating from Senior Management
Level Two:
You have to be an ACTIVE member for 60 days with a 95% response rate.
80% Positive Rating from student
80% Positive Rating from Senior Management
Top Rated Seller:
You have to be an ACTIVE member for 90 days with a 95% response rate.
80% Positive Rating from student
80% Positive Rating from Senior Management
Pro Seller:
You have to be an ACTIVE member for 180 days with a 100% response rate.
90% Positive Rating from student
90% Positive Rating from Senior Management